Son of a gun! This site just keeps growing. Currently 40022 posts have been made in 3729 threads for an average of almost 11 posts per thread. We've grown to 678 participants. Not bad at all for a little upstart with no Sugar Daddy to cover the expenses until the advertising revenue grew enough to support operation. Major kudo's to the Harness family for gambling on us. if he could only install that dagone "Like" button..:)
I wonder how his engineer connect site is doing.
:clap: :good: We enjoy hosting and running it!! This type of work is right up my alley. 😉
Sugar Daddy, Sugar momma, Sugar grandma, Sugar Aunt, sugar etc...hey it all works for me. Unfortunately you are right. No sugars have visited so we're on our own around here but that's how we like it. As long as you guys are happy, we're happy. 🙂
Civil Engineering Connect is not doing too well right now, but that's partially because we haven't got the word out yet. We've been extremely busy with Beer Leg and everything else hitting us at once that we were just exhausted by the end of the day. Fortunately, things are finally winding down and getting back to normal around here so we can soon concentrate on getting the word out for that site.
Thanks again, guys, for being here. We really REALLY do appreciate each and every one of you. :angel:
introvert rarely register for forums.;-)
Pretty amazing, huh? I'm thrilled to death that it has become this popular. It's something I've wanted to do for several years and here we are. Already 50 new threads since you posted this!
This thread prompted me to review the statistics and I see that Houston is currently the place which sends us the most traffic, followed by Portland, Oregon. We've had about 2.25 million pageviews since opening the doors. On weekdays (not counting holidays and the days straddling them), we typically see just under 2,000 visits with a slight increase each week. Shortly after the new year, I imagine we'll be seeing 2,000+ visits consistently each weekday.
Outside of our Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and plain ol' word of mouth, we've done absolutely no advertising. Well, okay, I dabbled with Facebook advertising and Google Adwords for a very short while, but that was very early on and had little or no effect on our actual statistics.
Considering all of this, I'd say we've done pretty well and it's thanks to all of you who visit and participate.
"Pretty amazing, huh? I'm thrilled to death that it has become this popular."
Keep it up!, Y'all rock!
Have a great week! 🙂
Keep it coming Angel & Wendell !
Happy New Year from North Aboyne Farm