Hi everyone! would like to try my luck is someone here knows how to create a set file that would enable my R8s, R10 & Trimmark 3 on the same set of radio frequencies. my R8s and R10 are on the same range of 430-445Mhz but my Trimmark 3 is ranging only from 450-470. now i need to reconfigure the R8s & R10 to match with my Trimmark 3 at the range of 450-470Mhz. hope to find solution in this problem. thanks in advance.
You can try adding frequencies through Trimble Access.?ÿ Another method would be to add them through the WebUI for the R10, and winflash for the R8s.?ÿ I know the radio on the R10 ranges 410-470 mhz, but am not sure on the R8s range.
Do know, you will only be able to add RX (receive) frequencies, in order to add transmit frequencies you will need a dealer.
Pretty sure that for the R8 you'll need a different radio module; they came in 410 - 430, 430 - 450, and 450 - 470.. You should be able to create receive only frequencies for the R10 through Access and/or the WebUI.
The high/low UHF split is pretty common in radio gear, not familiar with the particulars of those radios, BUT I would guess a hardware change is required...