Hey everyone,
I'm trying to figure out how to locate control points to send of for opus solutions .?ÿ In the past I've used leica and always had issue trying to send the data.?ÿ Basically, we are using SurvPC with the Carlson BRx6+ head. We use the Massachusetts CORS network for rtk for everything we do. I'm trying to figure out what I need to do in order to locate the points and what file I need to export out.?ÿ Do I connect to the rtk when locating the point??ÿ Do I use the raw mode(I think that's what it's called), or just my typical Rover mode with rtk??ÿ I'm lost.?ÿ Excuse my ignorance.?ÿ Learning on the fly.
Read the Carlson instructions first.
Hint, start at "User Manual" page 20, the green light next to the power button has to be lit, I don't have a BRx6 so it took me a few minutes to find the User Manual.
Paul in PA
Seems this is the problem. You need formal training or read a few books. You're missing too much GPS basic knowledge for us to even begin to help. Suggest you contact your Carlson rep for training?
Let's close the thread then .I've read the SurvPC manual.?ÿ There in lies the problem.?ÿ I should not be using the data collector is what I can gather because the SurvPC manual makes no mention of it.?ÿ After looking at the BRx6+ manual, it looks like I need to set it to static and download directly.?ÿ
- In my area, Carlson dealers are few and far between. My dealer told me that I can't record the same point as the same point number twice and average like I did with the Leica.?ÿ Lo and behold, I can do that.?ÿ I learned it on the fly.
Also, let me just say "Google it" before I hear that. Thanks for the help.?ÿ?ÿ
I record the same point under a new number and in the description for point 153 and new number being 204?ÿ it would say "=#153".
Then I use the combine points routine and put in 153, 204 and any other numbers assigned to that position and assimilate to one solution.
Hey Paul,
The edit of your post came out great.?ÿ Better than the original 3 posts that all said Look at the manual.?ÿ At that time I didn't know which manual.?ÿ The head or collector.?ÿ I've got it now. I'll give it a go .thanks
Thanks .I've done both.?ÿ I was trying to show lack of knowledge which is why I came here.?ÿ Thanks
@marchiondasurvey?ÿ I'm running a Topcon Hiper SR with Carlson SurvPC so this might or might not work in your case.?ÿ With my setup, I can run as a net rover and collect static for OPUS simultaneously.?ÿ I start the Hiper SR, give it a couple of minutes to lock onto the satellites, then I quick press the power button 3 times to initiate static recording to the Hiper's internal memory, then i connect with SurvPC as a net rover and set it to collect several minutes of data.?ÿ This gives me a quick position for the point that I can use in the field and also gives me a static file that I can download later to submit to OPUS.?ÿ Typically I'll set three points, hit all of them with the net rover to get quick positions then leave the Hiper on the final point to collect a static file for OPUS while I fire up the robot and get to work.?ÿ Once the Hiper has enough data on the first point I will stop recording, move to one of the other control points and fire it up again.?ÿ?ÿ
Thanks Stephen, I will look into that as well. That would be a great way to do it if it works with the BRx6+.