Here is the second module in the Geodesy portion of the class. The GPS (should be GNSS at this point, but when I wrote it......) modules may be more practical as there is a description of how GPS works, error sources, mitigating error sources, planning and conducting geodetic and RTK surveys and a fairly detailed description of least squares adjustments.
All comments are welcomed.
I like it thanks for taking the time to do this.
Thank you very much for posting these.
"GLONAS" should be "GLONASS". It's GLObal NAvigation Satellite System, and similarly in Russian, except the first S is Sputnik.
Since a meridian is not a semicircle, but a semiellipse, you may want to mention that the latitude is the angle between the tangent to the ellipse and the axis. It is not what you get by measuring angle on a circle and stretching it. If that goes in the next installment, that's fine.
I came up with names for the ends of the ECEF axes. +x is Benin, -x is Howland, +y is Bengal, -y is Gal?pagos, and of course +z and -z are Arctic and Antarctic.
Looks good!