Cleaning out the closet of some underutilized equipment:
TOPCON Optical Tribrach w/ Precise Adapter eBay Listing $275.00
SOKKIA Mini Prism eBay Listing $35.00
TOPCON A6 360å¡ Prism eBay Listing $275.00
3 CST OMNI Prisms eBay Listing $180.00
I have all the items on eBay where you can see more details and pictures, etc. Any reasonable offers accepted, bundle price, etc. I will throw in shipping for Beerleggers and make a donation for each sale.
Thanks for looking...
I was just about to order a prism with a target. Those look like the metal targets, and look like they are about new, so I may as well take the 3 CSTs off your hands.
Also, apparently I can't get the Crain Aluma-lite rods anymore. Could use 1 or 2 of those 8' rods in very good condition if anyone wants to PM me as not to clutter up Matt's thread.
These prism were bought new in 2003, I believe. I am a solo guy, so they have been well cared for and yes, the yoke and target are all metal. The canister is some sort of composite, but transparently very durable...
email is survey at eg-wi dot com