@dave-lindell LOL. Not so sure that that hasn't been happening at some of the in-person courses I've been to.
@a-harris As flyin says, you can join using a smartphone or even a tablet. I had a short committee meeting with three other people once while I was in the middle of a state park on my phone. It works, but some of the functionality was less obvious.
I don't think having a webcam on your computer is required to join a zoom meeting, it just means your face won't be seen. So you should be able to join from a home or office PC without a webcam. The screen looks like the opening credits of the Brady Bunch and where you would be, there will just be a grayish black square instead of your face.
@a-harris That would be one of the benefits of the asynchronous courses. Those you can log into and work on it at your own pace without worrying about the internet going down - just pick up wherever service went out.
At my office, I have AT&T (supposedly hi-speed) internet. It sometimes struggles handling Zoom up/down loads. Mainly due to upload speed. You could test your internet speed to see if it would do alright with an online speed test - https://www.speedtest.net/
Zoom documents recommend between 2-6 Mbps up/download But if you are doing audio only, it is much lower requirements.
It takes a special person to enjoy zoom.
thank you!! interesting guy & videos too; definitely brings back memories of CE327 @ NCSU