Here is the agenda for the Oregon GPS User's Group meeting at the Deschutes Co. fairgrounds June 6. Free lunch provided.
Date: June 6, 2014
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Place: Deschutes County Fairgrounds, Redmond, Oregon
9:00-9:30 Network and coffee - speaker setup
9:30-10:00 Introductions and annual business meeting
10:00 - 10:30 Eric Nielsen - Head PGA Professional at the Bend Golf and County Club and on the Board of Directors of the Oregon PGA. Eric will speak on the transition of laser technology to GPS technology on the cart, in your hand and on your wrist as it relates to the golf industry.
10:30-10:45 Networking Stretch Break
10:45-11:30 Dr. Michel Waller - PhD Anthropology: Mr. Waller will speak on the integration of GPS and GIS on his recent thesis project mapping bonobos movement patterns in the Congo. A demonstration of the power of the two technologies in a unique environment.
11:30-12:00 Jim Elam, PLS, CRWE: Washington County Surveyor - Providing general overview of the Counties use and operation of a CORS station as a partner with ODOT, influence of their GPS on daily work activities and recent incorporation of RTK and ORGN.
12:00-1:00 Lunch: Annual OGUG Tasty catered BBQ.
1:00-1:20 Mark Armstrong, PLS - NGS: NGS Issues, OPUS- Projects update and OPUS published data base discussion. National Surveyors Week update.
1:20- 1:45 Ken Bays, PLS - ODOT and Dr. Glen Mattioli, Director Geodetic Infrastructure, UNAVCO: ORGN datum realization change, ORGN check-in mark program, importance of the PBO sites to the Oregon ORGN and the On-line GIS Toolkit together with Dr. Glen's presentation update and status report from the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) as the geodetic component of Earthscope operated by UNAVCO. Dr. Glen will give an overview of PBO funding challenges to maintain PBO GPS sites.
1:45- 2:00 Networking Stretch Break
2:00 - 2:45 Mike Berry, PLS - Deschutes County Surveyor - Presenting "Vampire Cemetery" .. OR .. A retracement of a portion of the 1904 Plat of Laidlaw in Deschutes County, OR - an interesting survey experience in and around Tumalo near Bend.
2:45-3:00 Vendor reports
3:00 Adjourn
Important: If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Cael Neathamer,, by close of business on Monday, June 1, so we can have an idea of how much food to order for the BBQ.
John, your timing is awful! 😉 I'm going to be taking Mark's OPUS Projects class May 29th & 30th in Bend but I don't think I can justify (as much as I'd like to) spending a week in Bend goofing off.
Well, we will be glad to see you if you can possibly make it.
Besides, it won't be a party without you!