Trimble Access connection to other Non-Trimble GNSS Recievers
I am interested in potentially making a change to my GNSS equipment, which is currently all Trimble. The biggest reason is I’m finding that there are many newer products out there that surpass even the R12i in regards to battery life, amount of channels and even precisions at a significantly lower price point from a hardware standpoint. That being said, I am a diehard Trimble fan and understand the price premium you pay for their products is warranted as I have nothing but good things to say about the reliability of their equipment and user-friendliness. At this point I am potentially interested in buying GNSS receivers that are not Trimble, but keeping my TSC7 data collectors running Trimble Access as my basis of operations to survey in the field which leads me to my question to the community.
I am interested in potentially pairing either a Carlson BRx7 or a StonEx S980+ with Trimble Access. In reviewing the survey styles, I do see an option to connect “unknown external” for the antenna. I would think since GNSS recievers are all connected via Bluetooth typically, theoretically you could connect any GNSS System to Trimble Access, not just the units I’m interested. Has anyone tried to connect another brands GNSS equipment to Trimble Access and been able to obtain the same quality of survey as Trimble based hardware? My intention is to use integrated surveying with the alternative GNSS unit, but still use my Trimble S-Series Robots with the MT1000 while still utilizing Trimble Access. I’ve been unable to find any definitive information on if Trimble Access can take other GNSS units on the internet so this is why I’m posing the question. Has anyone tried this with Trimble Access and had any success? Would you still see the same precision information using a different GNSS unit as you would for an R-Series Trimble unit?
Thanks so much for all of your input!
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