tricks for tighter control?
i am still very green, 2 years surveying. i really like boundary and topo surveys, but lately ive been doing more construction. most of the time i get search points from the office of previous surveyed control points, go to the job, try to find a couple based on desc, scaling…then occupy one and back sight the other, try to angle check another. if it under a tenth, i roll.
however, i am partial to setting up jobs using VRS GNSS. i have GPS+GLONASS subscription so i get a lot of satellites. and when you can set up and calibrate a job without traversing all day its nice. BUT….everytime i do this, the next time im out on the job to stake something, and i set up the total station, my setup deltas are sometime more than a tenth off which is no good for staking gravity flo pipe, curb, grids….or at the very least it bugs me. i can get under a hun with a gun setup, but GPS setup jobs are way less accurate. i typically occupy the point for a full 3 min obs. lately i will run back through the points and re observe them and avg the obs together, which seems to help.
any tricks or comments about setting up a job with GPS???
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