TBC Noob Question
So I’ve expired my 30 day trial of TBC, but can still bring new data in and manipulate it. Just can’t do almost anything else. Here’s the question:
I set the dxf’s and points up in CAD as SPC in my zone. Shooting with an S6 robot, TSC3 with Access 2017, I set the datum info to my state plane and linked the files in the DC. I shoot stuff, come back, export field points, bring it into CAD (C3D), which is also set at my SPC zone. Everything comes in perfectly.
I start a new project in TBC with the same coordinate system, geoid, etc, import the boundary dxf, site features dxf, baseline points and boundary corner points. All come in great. When I import the field shots, though – the same csv exported and used to bring into CAD – they’re all showing up about 80′-90′ south of their actual locations. Looks like the whole field shot data is skewed slightly as well.
The grid coordinates showing in TBC for any of those points seem to have been transformed with a slight rotation as well. Any ideas? Also, why would the corners and baseline come in perfectly but the field shots not?
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