Section Corner Brass being moved
The site was out in the country 10 years ago. Now it within a 1/2 mile of a Costco. The town is growing quickly in its direction. The county rebuilt and widened the road 7 years ago, in preparation for development of the area. In the course of their rebuilding they tore out everything that looked like it could be a boundary monument. But they reset the section corners with nice brass caps in the asphalt, just beautiful. They never did get the Record of Survey completed and recorded but they did share a draft of it with me. Last June I tied those monuments and calc’d up the boundaries of our clients site. Design work has been plugging along.
Today I was out to do some detailing of the topo (shots on the face of a power pole that is perilously close to a proposed sidewalk). A county survey crew happened to be there also. They told me they were moving the section corners to correct an error they had discovered in their work from years ago.
If I hadn’t happened to be there today – the first time I’ve been to that site in months – I never would have been the wiser. Those monuments looked perfect. Solid, clearly identifiable. In concert with the record. No reason to question them. You just can’t trust anything.
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