RTCM 3.MSM with a trimble base and rover “waiting for information from the base”
Hi All
Has anyone had issues running RTCM 3.MSM with a trimble base and rover? We’re using Komatsu machine control (really Topcon) and rather then bumping down to CMR+ from CMRx I went the other way and changed over to RTCM. I did this to get more satellites for both machine control and rover (Topcon won’t take cmrx). Everything worked pretty good for the first week but now I’m getting an extremely long “waiting for information from the base” message. I don’t want to lose the extra satellite constellations that RTCM gives me. Also noticing quite a different base data age 3-5s, where cmr+ and cmrx are 1 second. Thanks and have a great day.
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