Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
My luck finally ran out. Most of my life has involved being in The Great Outdoors routinely. Learned today I have contracted a tick-borne disease.
Best guess is I was assaulted about two weeks ago. I sort of noticed something more than the typical chigger bite two or three days later. This is big time chigger season here so having a dozen to a hundred little welts somewhere around the body is normal. This felt a bit bigger. Plus there was a similar but smaller rash starting to appear in another location. As this was on my back a few inches above the belt line I couldn’t see it in a standard mirror. At about eight days my wife noticed both spots were growing. Neither was painful or itchy or too terribly annoying so I had not noticed. Was able to see my doctor this past Monday. The larger spot measured about 2 centimeters by 4 centimeters. She wasn’t sure it was tick-related but suggested pulling blood to run some tests just to be on the safe side.
The rash has been slowly shrinking so we thought it was no big deal. No headaches or muscle pain or high temperature or dizziness or any of the listed symptoms except the rash that did not really look too much like photos online depicting what RMSF looks like.
Todays results sent me to the pharmacy for a seven day supply of doxycycline. So far I have not experienced any of the side effects listed. But, the biggest concern is one should stay out of bright sunlight. Going to be tough to avoid that in mid-July. Many years ago I was taking tetracycline which has similar warnings about avoiding bright sunlight. Learned the hard, and painful, way they knew what they were talking about. Will try to be careful.
Would appreciate any advice from those who have experienced RMSF.
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