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Posted by warren ward PLS CO OK on February 15, 2019 at 3:16 pmI have never recorded static or produced OPUS position for an R6 as base. I need to do that now, and as always, I come here first for the answer, advice and pitfalls. I am going to set up on a random control point with R6 and need to eventually know the true position from OPUS. I am in central Oklahoma where I can’t figure out how to use any RTK network.
lee-d replied 5 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
What are you using as data collection? The data gets stored on board the R6, I think, but the trick is having a controller to start up the collection, then to end it later and download it.
If you are using Access you can set the survey style to collect the data, then download one of two ways.
I use the Trimble DL app on my android phone. You can control static sessions with it, but more important you can download, email and submit static files with your phone.
If you’re using Access set up a Survey Style and configure the Base Options for Fast Static at 15 (or 30 for OPUS) second epochs and logging device as Receiver. Set the R6 as the Base in Bluetooth Options and start the session using Start Base in your survey style. When you put in the point number it will tell you that the point doesn’t exist and you need to supply coordinates at processing time; that’s a dummy light just hit OK. Turn off the collector and walk away.
When the session is ready to conclude, turn on the collector, go to GNSS Functions, end the survey, when it asks you if you want to power down say no. Go to Transfer Files (Bottom right-middle) and pull the file off the receiver. The file will now be on the collector for easy downloading. Use Trimble’s Convert to RINEX utility to convert the T02 to RINEX.
Posted by: warren ward PLS CO OK
I have never recorded static or produced OPUS position for an R6 as base. I need to do that now, and as always, I come here first for the answer, advice and pitfalls. I am going to set up on a random control point with R6 and need to eventually know the true position from OPUS. I am in central Oklahoma where I can’t figure out how to use any RTK network.
Let me say that the time it takes to figure this out will be time well spent. Your work flow can be set up the base, have it collect for OPUS while you run your RTK, later send that satellite data into OPUS to get a true position for your base, and shift your collected points onto that true position. Thus getting your collected points on a true and repeatable basis with very minimal expenditure of time and effort.
Using TSC3
This work flow is old (uses TGO) but might be of some help. You may need to convert the raw data for an R6 .
If you are using an R6, R7 GNSS,or an R8 GNSS receiver, you must convert the .To1 or .To2 file (raw receiver file) to RINEX format.
Posted by: WarrenWard
Using TSC3
With what software on it? Could be Access, could be Survey Pro, could be other things.
If you have Trimble Access there’s a command in GNSS Functions that transfers the file from the receiver to the TSC3. The file will reside in the Files folder for your job (unless your Access version is REALLY old). so if your job name is 1234 the path to your file will be Trimble DataUsername1234 Files*.T02. (Username is whatever you’re logged in as, is displayed on the main menu in the bar across the top).
If you’re not familiar with using the GNSS Functions menu you should become so, it’s your friend. Once the file is on the TSC3 you can just hook up to your PC and take it off using Windows Explorer copy / paste commands.
Evidently, my ACCESSSYNC license has expired. Hit a wall. Time for a nap.
All Access Sync is for is uploading your data to a Trimble cloud service (Trimble Connected Community for now, Trimble Connect when TCC gets shut down later this year). It has nothing to do with acquiring or downloading static data. If you wish to use Access Sync then you need to maintain a current software warranty on your collector.
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