Quick Boundary related question. A first for me seeing this.
So I have seen several odd calls for boundaries but this is a new one. The line is called for from a culvert. This is very old deed 1940’s. Now the more i talk to owners and such it makes a little sense. Can’t find anything that predates this deed. Not anything more recent either. But it does all for beginning at a culvert then no bearings no distance along road to X property then to the river then down the river to yep the culvert other end. So the culvert road and several feet of land was washed away in a flood 1970’s. Then filled back i. A ditch was cut and changes made to other side of road so no culvert on that end found. Ditch was filled in because owner didn’t like ditch. What i have is the resemblance of that ditch which in theory was placed about where the culvert was before flood. But in early 2000’s another flood and well what we see now as a small ditch wash out may or may not be correct. As i look up the mountain on other side where culvert might have been its a clear sign of how water was coming down and cut out coming down to road. So again in theory this cut out on opposite side of road of my property lines up with the apparent ditch wash out etc running across to the river. It makes the acreage about right give or take. Thats the only mathematical piece we have. I am sure once we get ROW plans that line has a road so it can become the south line and other road. But just thought i would ask here opinions from experts. So basically southern line running east n west road and bridge crossing the river which establishes the east line which runs North south parallel to that is another road on west side of property. North line is bound by adjoining lot. Monumented so all good there.
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