One of those people
This person came into the office Friday. They had a description written by someone else. This person is not the grantor, the grantee, or a neighbor. But on this deed it referenced a Record of Survey by Mighty-Moe Inc. The reference did not give the ROS# and this person wanted to know how to get the ROS. I told them it was at the courthouse, that I file all my ROS at the courthouse and that they are available to the public for free. They wanted to know which one it is. I told them that looking at the deed did not describe the particular survey so I can’t say which one it is.
They then asked why a professional surveyor doesn’t know their own survey. It went downhill from there.
This person didn’t want to hire me, pay me, or even be respectful to me in my own office.
The first time in my long time being a surveyor I kicked someone out of my office, and I wasn’t pleasant about it.
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