Maps that suck…
Doing a survey in a city and looked for other survey maps in the area. Found quite few and was initially happy that they would be of help. Then noticed they are nearly all from the same ??famous? survey company (in the same city) that everyone one knows about.
Each map, though relatively close to each other geographically show many monuments in ??error? this way and that, but no reasoning. They may show one point being ??held? while all the others are wrong by some amount. There is no reference to the basis of the bearings on these maps and it became obvious that they were not even of the same basis.
Now the worst part?? the north arrows are all pointing down the page. Grrr?? This company is just arrogant. I??m sure if asked to explain these surveys they would do so for a fee. The worst map I saw from them was just a bunch of lines with NO monuments shown.
I have been ??accused? of showing too much information on my maps. There should be a law that maps should provide at least enough information so that another surveyor can find the map useful. I provide that service.
Further, if the client knows where their boundaries are when I have completed my work then the job is done. It is clear from conversations with people living in the neighborhood that the ??famous? survey company does not provide that service. In fact, they purposely obfuscate their surveys to make sure they are the only ones with an understanding of the local boundaries.
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