If all you are interested in is which states have a township T17N, R25E, here is the Principal Meridians and Baselines map on the GLO Records web site.
Likely candidates are easy to spot. Then you can check to see if there are any survey plats for the likely states on GLO Records.
For example: Arizona, Idaho, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Washington, etc. (like Alabama) have that township.
If you are looking to find any township and range then I suggest downloading the bulk data zip file for surveys on this web page of the GLO Records web site. It does not contain every plat for any one state, but it is the best compilation that I know. The BLM Eastern States office updates the files approx. once a month. Download the All_Surveys.zip file and extract the comma delimited file “Township.csv”.
ETA: I checked a version I downloaded in January 2018 and the file contains 233601 records. The left most field is labeled, “DM_ID” which contains a unique six digit number for each plat hosted on the GLO Records. There are many instances where one plat covers more than one township so there will be multiple records for those plats.
GLO Bulk Data
It contains the following fields that will answer your question:
geo_state_code (2 character state abbr.),
meridian_code (see file Meridian_Lookup.csv for codes and meridian names),
township_nr, township_fraction, and township_dir,
range_nr, range_fraction, and range_dir
where _nr is stands for the township or range number, and dir is for the direction.
This is not a simple way to look AND not all the plats are listed so there is plenty of missing data that the BLM Eastern States folks still need to host. The zip file contains 26 relational databases in comma delimited format and they do not have the database structures available despite saying to contact their contractor for them on the above web page.
Good Luck