If I understand your situation correctly, you should be able to do it like this: if you execute the command to start a line table, and then pick the line where you want to start re-numbering (as if you’re going to label it for the first time) the command line should then prompt you to choose a line number, then will initiate a prompt to make a choice (use next free number, keep number, enter number, renumber table, or update reference). You should then be able to assign the new number and choose Renumber table. It will then update your table and all your line labels.
So, in your case:
Pick the line L110.
At the Line Number prompt, type L195.
Command line will say “The chosen reference (L195) is already used in another table!
Choose Renumber Table.
I don’t know for certain if you have to have Automatic Table Update turned on for this to work properly.