Today I was contacted through the amateur benchmark hunter forum, probably because at some point I mentioned State Plane Coordinates in a post there. The guy wanted help turning SPC into lat-lon.
He bought about 280 acres (not aliquot) of wild mountainous land (>10k ft elev and 1000 relief) in a somewhat remote area in the Southwest and the surveyor’s plat has “modified SPC” coordinates and a (combined?) scale factor. He thinks there are stakes for his corners and needs search coordinates for his phone’s GPS. I cranked out lat-lon from Corpscon, mentioned the NAD83-WGS84 offset, and warned him not to use the numbers to set stakes – they are just search coordinates.
He told me he has a “known” corner, and I was rather worried because my grid numbers miss that by over 1/4 mile (or 200 yards using modified SPC). I then learned it is just from OnX, and not a found stake. It’s probably too soon for OnX to have his new parcel entered, so I’m confused about what it is.
In that environment, when they get the plat entered into their data, how close would you expect OnX to be? Will they convert modified SPC to grid before going to lat-lon?