In case it helps someone else, just posting what I’ve found out from my day of trial and error.
When switched off, pressing R/L then Power enters settings 1. V/% and Power enters settings 2. There is no indication on screen which it is. Then you press R/L, V/% or Hold buttons to move left, right, and change bits. To save, press 0 Set, then power to switch off.
I tested all the following on the DT-102 (this table from manual for DT-110L, a very similar machine.)
The “settings of the compasses” appears to be a numbering of the vertical axis, to give +90 at zenith, -90 straight down, and 0 at both horizons.
Serial port
Serial port on the DT-102 is a socket, and your cable requires a Hirose HR10A-7P-6P plug (Series HR10A connector, 7mm plug with 6 pins). Note that on the DT-102 the socket is mounted upside-down (the wide slot is at the bottom and text “HRS” is upside-down.) This drawing shows the pinout as it appears looking at the socket on the theodolite. TXD is data from the theodolite, RXD is data to the theodolite.
I used a USB serial port commonly sold as a “Cisco USB console cable” (Ebay, ?4), based on a “FTDI” chip. I connected just the ground and the theodolite’s TXD (ie pins 1 and 3), as I don’t intend sending anything to the DT-102 (what could we send?)
The DT-102 only sends data when Settings 2, Digit 3 is a 1, and apparently only after the V button is pressed, and the vertical set has been done. I’m sure other modes are possible.
The serial port sends at 1200 baud, 7 data bits, even parity. I haven’t found any way to change this.
It sends messages at about 2 per second, in the following format:
Each message is followed by ETX, CR, LF (ie ASCII 3, 13, 10)
This matches the screen showing 0 deg 53 min 10 sec vertical and 7 deg 46 min 40 sec horizontal right. Note leading zeros.
I do not know what “+****” means, perhaps a placeholder for distance (for a model with rangefinder). My guess is that “d094” is some kind of checksum, as yet unknown.
With horizontal left, the unit transmits
Note minus sign for horizontal left,.
Doubtless the format will vary depending on the mode (degree, gon, mil and compass vertical mode) and perhaps many other things (min display angle?)