More stupidity from the railroad museum world:
“There was also a concrete state line marker not far from here.. about 8 foot tall, with a 4 foot portion buried below ground level. It was set close enough to the main line that it suffered many collisions with ballast plows.. it was nearly chiseled apart at ground level.
They pulled it out with the section truck here 3 or 4 years ago and brought it to town and gave it to our railroad historical museum. I don’t know if they even bothered to put anything back up in it’s place, cause I haven’t taken a train that direction since they did it. It didn’t really serve any function.. the train doesn’t care when it crosses the state line. It was a relic from the 1920’s
This big, long winded story just to say that MofW doesn’t rely on these obsolete relics to delineate their RofW any longer… they rely on military grade Global Positioning Satellite to do that.“