Fourth time’s a charm.
Have a client that wants their property surveyed. Apparently client’s property was surveyed previously with pins, most importantly, a section corner, set/found by a now deceased surveyor, Surveyor 1. A few years ago,l Surveyor 2 surveyed and held the section corner, but Surveyor 2 is now retired and out of the picture. Surveyor 3 came through a few years ago while surveying the neighbor’s property and set new section corner 30 feet from old corner. The new section corner encroaches on my client’s property. Within the past three months, first surveyor’s section corner has been pulled up.
Client wants me to survey and wants me to hold first surveyor’s section corner. I don’t have access to neither Surveyor 1 nor 2’s surveying records. Surveyor 3 rarely gives out records. Yes, client and neighbor do not play nice with each other.
I haven’t even started the survey yet. What advice can I take heed of?
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