Firmware and chocolate
Hey legends,
I’m trying to download firmware from Leica MyWorld for my CS20 controller but I’m just not having any joy with it. I don’t know whether I didn’t sacrifice enough Toblerone to the Swiss gods or whether my two-cups-and-a-piece-of-string internet connection here in Oz is the issue, but I cannot seem to get a download speed of more than 100 k/bit per second from the Swiss. My internet speed is actually fine- just not to MyWorld for some inexplicable reason. To make matters worse, the website cuts me off after around an hour (even if I painstakingly sit at my PC navigating around MyWorld to keep my login active) and does not allow for the use of Download Manager software to resume the download when it fails.
Would anyone happen to have a copy (or copies) of the CS20 Captivate Firmware that they can dropbox me? I’m interested in finding anything/everything from v7.03 and above. My instrument runs v7.03 but has no active CCP. My CS20’s CCP has just expired, so it’ll run anything………I just can’t download the file(s).
Thanks guys,
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