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Export Coords and lengths of polyline
Posted by therock003 on January 24, 2019 at 8:51 amWhats the quickest and easiest ways to select a polyline and get coordinate of each vertex and lengths? Even if its done via Carsosn, Dotsoft or any other 3rd party, i’m looking to get a file that gives me 3 columns. First is X then Y ant then Legth of side.
cameron-watson-pls replied 5 years, 8 months ago 7 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
I would try using the Dataextraction command. This doesn’t provide the information you desire for polylines, but it does work for line and arc segments. If you’re dealing with a polyline with many segments, what I might suggest is create a temporary layer, copy your polyline to that layer, explode the new polyline, then do a selection by layer in order to quickly select these new exploded segments.
The Dataextraction wizard is pretty self explanatory, it allows you to select particular objects rather than the entire drawing, and it allows you to output the information to various file formats including .xls, .csv, and .txt.
You beat me to it.
I use Dataextraction to make point clouds to add to point clouds for visualization. For a roof, offset 3d polylines, divide, explode, data extract only the coordinates to CSV, mess with the file, import into cloud software, overlay an image of a roof and colorize. Or take a proposed surface, grid it, draw the grid, explode, data extraction coordinates to CSV, into the cloud software and toggle between the surfaces in a video output.
Posted by: leegreen
With InRoads, this is a simple alignment report. Takes about 10 seconds to create.
C3d, LDD, Carlson all have alignment tools and associated reports.
Ok so basically you’re saying i should try my luck with some kind of alignment report. I dont work with bentley products ill see what can be done from autocad environment.
I’ve had great success with Lee Mac’s routines this one looks like what you are looking for. Make sure you poke around his site and see what else might be of use it’s worth the effort.
Posted by: Randy Rain
I’ve had great success with Lee Mac’s routines this one looks like what you are looking for. Make sure you poke around his site and see what else might be of use it’s worth the effort.
Ok this is the closest thing to what i want. Dont know lisp programming but if this could be tweaked in a couple of ways. Like setting number of decimals, the columns you want (dont want the end coordinates), display text instead of numbers (A,B,C instead of 1,2,3) this would be a one click solution. Hit polyinfo, select polyline, select where to place text inside autocad, get paid, go out have fun
If you’re using C3D turn your poly into an alignment then label it then create a table on the labels. This is listing the start N & E of each segment so you would be missing the coordinate of the end point but that would be pretty easy to fix.
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