For Sale: "Bear Leg" Hand-Painted Rock
I’ve been meaning to sell this painted rock for quite some time. Just now getting around to it. I was going to put it in the store but decided to post it here and take bids on it instead.
I painted this myself about 2 years ago. It is based on a comic I drew many years ago called “Bear Leg”. It is painted using brushes and paint pens with acrylic paint on a Santorini rock (sliced volcanic glass rock from Greece), with a clear spray coating on the front. The back features my signature and hand-painted SurveyorConnect logo. (Hey, does that make it a collector’s item? lol)
The proceeds of this sale will go directly back into the ongoing maintenance and hard costs of running RPLS.com.
Anyway, let’s start the bidding at $50.
I’ll keep it open for bids until November 19th, 2023 at midnight PST. That will give us time to make sure it gets to the winner before Christmas.
I’ve included the original comic in the photos below for reference. Note that the photos of the rock really don’t get the colors quite right — it’s a bit darker than the photos seem to show.
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