Baffled by CAD Text Style Problem
I crashed my main drafting machine and had to do a full reinstall of AutoCAD/LDD. I’ve got just about everything back the way I had it, except for one thing involving text styles.
I set all my template drawings with various text styles, and one of the elements I set was the text width factor for simplex to be 0.70. Now, I can open the DWT and original DWG files and verify the width factor is 0.70, but when I start a new drawing and use any of my DWTs, it sets the width factor back to 1.00. The text heights I set for any given text style are all correct, but the width factor is defaulting back to 1.00 for all of them.
Anyone have any idea what that one value would be overriden? I’ve been doing this for 10 years and this has never been a problem….
I’ve probably spent 5 hours today messing with this, it’s driving me nuts.
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