ANyone having trouble with OPUS lately?
In the last week all my stuff has been rejected. Two from an old Zephyr/5700 setup that’s worked fine in the past and two from an R10-2. I’v submitted both RINEX .23o’s and raw .T04’s and get a couple different but similar rejection notices that are something like this (which don’t seem to me to point to valid issues):
1020 OPUS aborted on the submitted data file for one or more of the following
1020 reasons. OPUS cannot process the data file.
1020 1. Collection interval of the data file was not one of the allowed rates.
1020 The intervals that are accepted are 1,2,3,5,10,15,30 seconds.
1020 2. The time of each epoch is offset from one of the above intervals. The
1020 seconds epoch field must coincide with one of the above rates.
1020 3. The data file may have been collected in kinematic mode. OPUS does not
1020 process kinematic data files.
1020 4. Note: OPUS processes data every 30 seconds, and 2+ hour files
1020 collected at the 1 second rate should be changed to 30 seconds.
1020 5. If your data were collected today or yesterday, we may not have
1020 sufficient CORS data – try resubmitting your file tomorrow.OR
9999 Error: Datasets less than two hours in duration no longer accepted to OPUS-S.
9999 Your data file appears to span less than 2 hours. OPUS guidelines require a
9999 minimum data span of 2 hours and strongly recommend 4 hours to achieve
9999 best accuracies. Datasets less than two hours in duration are no longer
9999 allowed in OPUS-S. Please re-submit your data to OPUS-RS.
9999 If your file is actually over 2 hours, check for formatting compliance(definitely more than 4 hr stew time for both these)
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