We have a beagle named Bailey, and she is pretty smart, as dogs go. We also have long cardboard tubes, the cores from the plotter paper. To entertain her we drop a biscuit into the tube, and she retrieves it. She learned early on that if she picked up one end of the tube the biscuit would slide out. We did encourage her in learning that. Now she has taught herself a faster method: If she swats one end of the tube really hard it will sail backwards, while the biscuit will remain stationary and thus slide out. Now that is smart.
Heck...I thought you taught her how to vacuum.
Rather smart pup ya got there:)
Hehehehe she ain't no dumb dog!!! 😉 :dog:
I still like that pic you took of her looking at the coffee cup on top of the frozen swimming pool. 🙂
I thought maybe you'd taught her to snort lint.