. My work PC just got a Virus. It's Troj/TdlMbr-A. Must be pretty bad, IT has been working on getting rid of it all day. Have any of you had this virus? I even had two layers of protection. Eric...any ideas?
HijackThis.exe and cwshredder should be able trap it.
Try those GM.
That will take a LOoooonnggg time to run however.
Apparently, it's a boot sector infection that can also infect writable CDs and USB drives.
I'd probably run Hitman Pro and MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware.
only a Trojan can prevent trojans
. Well they are still at it, trying to get this bugger 100% out of the system. Apparently it had started creating it's own file system. Nothing like a windows standard. I had IT create a disk image of the PC when it was new, with all the programs installed. At this point I think it would have been faster to re-format and send that disk image to the PC.