OK can anyone give me a by the numbers description of how to use a Trimble R8 receiver with survey controller on a tsc2 to do a static observation and then how to convert to rinex format (if necessary) to submit for an OPUS solution.
Thank in advance;
Randy Rain
Just collect internally, download the file and use TGO to convert to a rinex. Sending the trimble format file will not work.
The issue we've struggled with is that for some reason, the receiver splits the 4 hours into to two files for no apparent reason. We have to manually splice the two files together. We are upgraded to the latest firmware version we can.
> Sending the trimble format file will not work.
There was a bug in the 5800 firmware that caused PAGES to choke on the DAT files. I don't know if it also affected the R8, but it might be a good idea to ensure that the firmware is current.
OK upon further investigation it seems that the unit I have is not an R8 but an SPS780. Will this unit log data internally like the R8?
A note on that converter, by default it adds kinematic and something under that, check those boxes so it suppresses those.
That is one of the Construction GNSS recievers by Trimble. Some of those do log static data and some have it disabled.
I am not sure on the that model.
Can he use GPS Configurator to check the settings? It's a great little utility.