While searching for bars on a small town job yesterday a salesman came walking up to me. The client owned almost an entire block and we were near the center so I was impressed that this fellow had wandered so far off the street to approach us. His first question was, "Billy?" It took me a couple seconds to realize he must have meant he thought I might be the client's brother. I told him that I wasn't who he thought I was and that I had not seen Bill, but that his brother, Tom, had just left a few minutes earlier to return home. I added that I wasn't sure exactly where Bill lived. He thanked me and started to walk off. I then told him that Bill is about 85. He said, "I know."
Lookin' good, eh?
"searching for bars on a small town job" .... that could mean two different things.
By golly, you nailed that one! Many years ago that little burg had a tavern with the name in neon lights. It was the Dew Drop Inn.
The most famous, by far, native of the burg was Miss America 1968. Her father was co-owner of the John Deere dealership located there.