Well car lovers will be sick when they see this.
Over 100 $130,000 Fiskar Karma's detroyed when the Newark Channel surge hit the cars and they shorted and burned. That is a solar array on the roof.
The scissors company makes solar cars?
That's new to me.
wow. that's horrible. and a lot of $$$ occupying an acre or so...
total lost cars about 18,000!
> The scissors company makes solar cars?
> That's new to me.
> :sun:
The scissors company is FISKARS. I also use a machete of theirs bought at Home Depot that I like very much. Fiskars Machete
It'll buff out.
I wonder if they'd let me salvage some of those solar arrays, over seven days without power so far.
ugh! seven days! I've done a couple of four day outages over the years, never seven. Do you have a generator?
I don't think a car that would short and catch fire when wet would be very popular in Houston.
well someone has to say it Bad karma
bad name for a car anyway.
I see the Goetthals Bridge is still standing.
I wonder about the damage to the refineries and oil tank farms. NJ may have dodged a big bullit.
Seven is a new record for us, last year at this time we were out for five. Yes we have a generator. Saturday I hooked the furnace up to it so we could get some heat. Tonight's forecast is for a low of 27deg F. Due to the gas shortage I've been running the generator for only 2 hours in the morning and 4 hours at night. On the plus side utility crews from Texas arrived in our town last night, so hopefully the power will be back soon.
Refineries are OK except they lack power. I believe that Linden came on line late yesterday.
That is part of the gas problem. The tankers must go to south NJ for fuel.
Tank farms are also OK from what I have heard from the utility company, PSEG.
Those cars are part of only 2,000 made. Now minus about 100.
Ditto on the Fiskars Machete...
I used mine yesterday for several hours.
Tends to hold an edge, once you get a good edge started.
Ditto on the Fiskars Machete...
I have a couple. They are nice light weight knife with a great hand grip.