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Rock Truck Versus County Bridge

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Imagine driving one of those little boogers fully loaded with 100 tons of limestone chunks traveling from the quarry to the cement plant. Now picture a lovely county bridge above the haul path with a 35-foot center span and 28-foot spans on both ends. Also picture a 10-foot high retaining wall separating the support pillars and backfill from the haul road. The space between the retaining walls is approximately 28 feet.

Now, try to imagine what that Tonka toy looks like after the driver attempts to drive 26 feet off from the haul road centerline at something around 40 mph.

Spent the entire afternoon with all sorts of cement company officials, two very experienced civil engineers and a county commissioner determining if the bridge can be reopened to general traffic (35 ton load limit), how the bridge will be repaired, when and who is going to pay all the bills. The driver of the truck did not receive any major injuries, but, is still in the hospital undergoing all sorts of tests as he has no memory of the crash.

The road requiring the bridge is a significant truck route. The haul road from the quarry to the cement plant is the only legal way to use the monster trucks to keep up with the plant's demand.

Posted : May 9, 2011 3:29 pm
Posts: 5912

Reminds me of Godzilla for some reason but in a truck form.
They should paint fangs on the front of those things. 😉 😛

Posted : May 13, 2011 12:08 am
Posts: 2369

No pics?

Posted : May 13, 2011 9:51 am
Posts: 5912

> No pics?

Pseudo, there's a video there. You can't see it??? LMK and I'll see if I can link it to you. :angel:

Posted : May 14, 2011 12:00 am
Posts: 267

This is what happens when one of those big boys gets too close to the edge while dumping.....

There were only bumps and bruises from this one.

Posted : May 14, 2011 4:09 am