For Christ L. Here are a few professional photos of the erection sequence.
Great sequence and great job location. Thanks for sharing.
Neat pics! If you go through them real fast its almost like watching a slow motion video of the bridge being built. So..which guy are you in the pics, Gunman??? 😉
Although I was there neary every day for 6 months, I am only in 1 photo (4th from the last photo, standing on the right hand side behind the pilaster). That takes alot of skill to stay out of every picture. Actually I tried to stay out of the contractor's way while they were erecting the structural steel.
I was the project manager (resident engineer) for the County. You won't see me in too many action shots. JRL
This pic??? 🙂
Not sure which photo that linked to, but it's #135
That was the URL for #135. So...are you the guy with just your head showing or the other guy next to the girl?? 🙂
I was gonna guess he was the fuzzy-faced feller with the ball cap and a tie.
I am....not the fuzzy faced feller. That is one of our supervisors. I'm usually sporting know gunmen need to blend in to their surroundings. Thats why only a portion of me is showing only in one photo.
Ahhh we finally see the infamous GunMan. You're very cute!!! 😉
Where'd it go?
So is this California's Bridge to Nowhere? Not being familiar with Lake Siskiyou I had to look it up.
I thought the bridge was pretty narrow and then when I saw people actually standing on the wooden deck, it hit me.
Just kidding. Glad your company had the project.
I dunno! Gunman, where did your pic go?! I was enjoying drooling..err...looking at it! 😉
Thanks for the compliment. I think I was feeling pretty good when that picture was taken. You really never know with the internet, I could be a large but tall female with a butch haircut.
Switching back to ---> silhouette mode.
You're welcome. You must be sorta shy, eh?? 😉
You could of left it up long enough for the other few women on here to look at and drool!! 😛
Just don't like the idea of having too much personal information on the internet.
Ever hear that song by BJ and the Moonshine Band "Perfect Woman"?
Send some of those my way. JRL
> Just don't like the idea of having too much personal information on the internet.
> Ever hear that song by BJ and the Moonshine Band "Perfect Woman"?
> Send some of those my way. JRL
Now you know someone could have saved that pic and made it into a secret pin up poster... 😉 but seriously I know what ya mean. Can't blame you there!!
The perfect woman?! When you find her, let me know cause I want lessons!! 😛