Yesterday I was curious about a town I lived in long ago.
I looked it up on wiki. Not a big town but there was tons of info.
I don't even remember why I was looking or what for in particular.
That got me more curious[er] about other places/towns I have lived in.
Wow!! How fun!!! Many flashbacks.
Today I checked on Franklin, IN where we lived in 69-71. The town had its own website so I had to look. One of the pics at the top of the page shows a little bridge over a creek running through town in Province Park. It was right under same bridge where your's truly stepped on a broke coke bottle in that creek. I'll never forget that day. I almost passed several times by the time by buddy rode me home on his bike to Mom to fix me up. That was the last summer I ever went barefoot again. I still have the scar both physically and mentally. I can not stand to step on anything.
Come to find out just moments ago the place I lived in NC is no longer a dry county!!! Gosh... to think of all the gas money I could have saved going on beer runs back then. Of course, to think of all the money I would not have made bootlegging then either. Guess it's a double edged sword. 😉
Also come to find out the town I was born at is NOT the county seat!!! One would think I would have known that. If I ever did, I've long forgotten about it.
It's all kinda fun and a little surreal.
For those who have lived in many places, it can be interesting.
I'm amazed how many schools from way back are still there. Mr. Ott in Franklin can attest that the Webb Elementary school is still there.
Ok... so I'm bored today....
“Come to find out just moments ago the place I lived in NC is no longer a dry county!!! Gosh... to think of all the gas money I could have saved going on beer runs back then.”
I don’t’ think Florida was ever dry, but I sure remember getting ripped off by the “local wino” whom we persuaded, without much encouragement, to purchase copious amounts (two six packs) of beer. More often than not he would simply haul ass with the money and leaving us clueless teenagers sitting outside the local liquor store in a car in the “hood”. A perfect target for the Police, who would roll up and ask us what in hell we were doing there (as if they didn’t know).;-)
Have a great weekend!
Webb Elementary
Yeah Bud,
My ten year old boy will be competing(sp?) at the county spelling bee at Webb next month.
He won for his entire school at Northwood.
I tell my kids that "Northwood owls eat Webb spiders"
Webb Elementary
I don't remember Northwood. Maybe Webb was the only elem. school back then. That was back in 69 or 70. The population has tripled since I was there. If you have lived there most of your life, I would be very suprised if we didn't know some of the same people. Are the Grimmer family still around? My step-dad was a Dr. at the hospital there and deputy county coroner back then.
Webb Elementary
I think Webb was a newer school then in about 1969~1970.
Northwood was built in about 1954 (I think). My mother in law went to Northwood, I did, and now my kids do. My wife went to Webb.
The Grimmer family has had a decent air compressor business here for years. I don't know any of them personally though.
We moved here in 1977, I was born in El Paso, Texas in 1970.
Webb Elementary
Told ya so!!!! The Grimmers had about 8 kids all in around my age or so.
Back then the air compressor company you are referring to was Grimmer-Schmidt. Andy was nearest my age. The Schmimdts lived next door to us on East Adams drive by the big church. I heard they sold the company to Allis-Chalmers a long time ago.
I only went to Webb for 6th grade and 7th at the Jr. High where I met my first girlfriend.