My Thanksgiving feast last Saturday 180 miles from home one direction and my meeting with clients 40 miles in the opposite direction yesterday have something in common. My ex-wife.
The job involves three siblings splitting what is left of the family farm. There are two brothers and a sister. The sister lives on the other side of Joplin, MO about 85 miles from the job site. A couple of weeks ago we were trying to arrange the meeting held yesterday. During our conversation she mentioned she would need to get off work and mentioned where she worked and what her job function was. My response was to inquire if she knew the first Mrs. Cow. Turns out they work together rather frequently.
At the feast, my ex-wife mentioned the conversation she had with my client after learning of our past connection. The client found it hard to believe how well we cooperate on family things after all these years of separation (nearly 30 years).
Well done my friend. It is all about the kids and grandkids.
I am 40 years old, and I still try not to mention the one set of parents around the other set of parents. I have a complicated extended family, and none of them really get along with each other.
It is strange and amazing the anxiety that it creates for me at my age.
> It is strange and amazing the anxiety that it creates for me at my age.
I used to have the same problem, but I realized that, like you said, it was creating unnecessary stress and anxiety for ME. I also realized that they are the ones with the problem, not me. They're usually irrational. I feel better. Worry about yourself and let them handle their own problems.
> Well done my friend. It is all about the kids and grandkids.
> I am 40 years old, and I still try not to mention the one set of parents around the other set of parents. I have a complicated extended family, and none of them really get along with each other.
> It is strange and amazing the anxiety that it creates for me at my age.
Congratulations, you are 'nearly' normal.
> > It is strange and amazing the anxiety that it creates for me at my age.
> I used to have the same problem, but I realized that, like you said, it was creating unnecessary stress and anxiety for ME. I also realized that they are the ones with the problem, not me. They're usually irrational. I feel better. Worry about yourself and let them handle their own problems.
Right, I have learned that I can only change myself, nobody else.
I went to my grand daughter's birthday party at a local pizza place. She sat at the head of the table. Clockwise it was her Mother's Husband, her Mother, her Dad's girlfriend's Mother, her Mother's Husband's Mother, her Mother's Mother, Me, her Dad's Mother, her Dad's girlfriend, and her Dad.
A good time by all.