I set up my first surveying instrument, a T-16, at Ft. Sill OK in 1979.
Today, for the first time ever, I pushed the tripod legs solidly into the Earth and without any further adjustment, found the instrument to be centered on the nail and perfectly level.
I think I'm starting to get the hang of this!
Today is your lucky day.
By the way... TDD never has to level a setup. He kicks them in the ground perfect every time. And the HI is always a perfect 8.0' - TDD is almost 9' tall.
TDD is the Surveyors version of Chuck Norris!!
When the brush sees TDD coming with a machete it just lies down and surrenders, no use resisting
Its a great feel!
Have done it a few times over the years.
Its a great feel!
Oh yeah, I've done it several times over the years myself. I call it a hole in one.
The perfect setup! I've only done it once.
I remember pondering if I had suffered some kind of stroke that had caused me to lose track of the time between setting the instrument on the legs and realizing the setup is good.
Someone is pulling our collective legs. It is a mathematical impossiblility. Just ask Kent.
Congrats! In my 25 years I've only gotten really, really close. I setup once and the bubble was nearly dead center.
> Congrats! In my 25 years I've only gotten really, really close. I setup once and the bubble was nearly dead center.
Yes, but when you hang up my pictures you somehow almost always have them dead centered. I'm always crooked unless I use the little bubble thing!! :-S
Back when the Earth was cooling, as a 'new boy' instrument man on a particular Dept. of Highways crew (with about ten years of I Man experience under my belt that the crew did not know about), I pulled out my right angle mirror for an interline on a miserable side hill slope, guesstimated a point, set up and PRESTO ! I was on line between the ends.
Had the crew scratchin' for weeks.
Today, "not so much" luck.