How was the season for you?
too busy... going this weekend.
the main part of hunting is to spend time with my dad. If I get something, that's ok too, although Mrs. File has been hinting that I need to at least shoot a deer for the freezer since we don't have a hog this year.
The husband of the young couple that rents our basement, shot a little 3x4 whitetail up on the state land behind our house. He called me and I went back and helped him with some of the finer points.
Some stuff you just can't really get from you tube.
I have not aggravated any hunters so far this year.
It may change soon as I have a project in the heart of leased lands.
In Texas, we begin (the legal season) hunting at the first of September for dove, first of october for deer and squirrel (bow on non managed leases and gun on managed leases), duck on November and general gun season for deer, and finish up general season on the first weekend in January for deer and everything else, all the while on managed leases, you can gun hunt from September 29 to February 28.
We're just gettin rollin here dude!
That being said, I'm building a house now and it occupies most of my free time and I've had only a few opportunities to go so nothing yet.
A friend and I went to south Texas opening weekend and shot 5 bucks. My lab had ACL surgery and won't be ready until the end of this month. It's not right for me to go duck hunting without her.
My wife got her deer yesterday...on her way to work in my jeep.
> A friend and I went to south Texas opening weekend and shot 5 bucks. My lab had ACL surgery and won't be ready until the end of this month. It's not right for me to go duck hunting without her.
While Texas hunting is excellent, LA has the best opportunity for variety, IMNSHO. I love to duck hunt but the birds flyway seems to have migrated East of my area about 15 years ago. Couple that with a severe drought for the last 9 years, there's no birds or water. But we got hogs and deer by the truck loads.
Deer via rifle opens tomorrow. Will be taking 13 and 14 year old boys out in the AM. They have seen a few during bow season, but nothing to shoot at.
I have. But this guy was trespassing so I didn't really care.
Haven't had one in bow range yet but I've only had time to go a couple of times. Deer (archery) season opened here in WV on Sept 28 and goes through the end of the year. We have 2-3 weekend antlerless firearm seasons (depending on which part of the state one is in) and 2 weeks of buck firearm season beginning on Nov 25.
I got a new bow (Hoyt Charger) and a new deer rifle (Ruger American .308 with a Leupold scope) just before season began. The wife knows just what to buy me for anniversary gifts. 🙂
I did obtain permission to hunt three new properties this year. Surveying does have its advantages. I have spent a lot of time scouting these lands and hanging tree stands and cameras. The rut is under way here and my efforts look to pay off soon. I have several tags to fill.
Good so far. Tomorrow is the last day of muzzle loading season and Saturday is the first of general firearms. I didn't get time to bow hunt this year, but spent three days muzzle loader hunting. Got four deer and a turkey. Not bad for three days "work". If my luck holds out, we will eat good all year.
Kris I still have a few tags left if you need to take out some more deer or hogs. I can't swop out a duck hunt because I hunt on someone's lease in exchange for working.
> How was the season for you?
Filled Three out of four Elk tags and could have probably got the 4th filled on the last day there, but we decided to pack up and head out so we could get home before midnight.
Tags were for "Any elk" in the Murderers Creek West unit. Rifle Hunt. Just SW of John Day Oregon about 12 miles.
44.2720083333, -119.066691667
I got a nice big cow, Bro-in-law got a nice 5 pnt Bull, and Step-Dad (Inlaw) got a small bull. Over all it will be quite a bit of meat.
Surveyors going hunting is about like a bus driver going on his vacation by riding around in a bus.
I'm looking to be somewhere other than outdoors when I'm officially offduty.
> Surveyors going hunting is about like a bus driver going on his vacation by riding around in a bus.
> I'm looking to be somewhere other than outdoors when I'm officially offduty.
That is because you think of hunting as a "Sport".
Hunting is for one purpose only for me directly. That is to put food on the table and in the freezer for future use.
The other GENERAL use is to control populations of wild animals.
The cops usually call me for fresh road kill
I'mmm developing a "Deer Gut".
> Surveyors going hunting is about like a bus driver going on his vacation by riding around in a bus.
> I'm looking to be somewhere other than outdoors when I'm officially off duty.
I found 6 or 7 section corners or 1/4 corners while pursuing tracks.:-D Each one, was a good time to take a short break thats about it. This was by no means a vacation but Elk camp has its own special classification of a break from society.:whistle: It was more of a food patrol hence me shooting a big cow vs tracking down a monster trophy bull.;-)