Hip replacements
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Hip replacements

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I didn't want to hijack Scott's post, but for anybody thinking about hip replacement, here's my story. Had left hip replaced Nov. 30. Used a walker for a week, a cane for a week, and no assistance since. Went back to work the next week, but things were slow so only sitting in the office a few hours a day, then spent the 2 weeks around the holidays working on my woodshop, up on ladder putting up insulation and ceiling, and crawling around on the floor putting stuff together. Did 4 weekly 45 minute therapy sessions, which really made the difference, repeating the excercises at home. Went back for 5 week follow up, doc said do whatever I wanted. ?ÿ

I think it really helped that I didn't wait until I couldn't stand it any more, would hate to go through those first couple weeks without being in pretty good shape otherwise. ?ÿNow I sleep much better, don't have to wait a minute to straighten my leg out when I get up out of the chair, don't have to hang on to the railing going up steps, knee doesnt ache. And I've stopped the Tylenol I had been taking religiously for the last couple years. Can't use the "bum hip" excuse any more, loaded out a load of hay yesterday.?ÿ

Posted : January 20, 2019 6:35 am
Posts: 25292

Mrs. Cow had her left hip replaced about a dozen years ago. ?ÿHer mistake was suffering for many years before having the surgery. ?ÿHer doctor puts all of his patients through a sort of boot camp a few weeks ahead of their surgery date. ?ÿThat process, plus preparedness, made the entire event go smoothly for those with a positive attitude and the guts to do all of the therapy specified.

Posted : January 20, 2019 7:46 pm