Looking for a bull elk. Trying to get Youngest File to go w/ us in the morning but so far she's not buying in..
cherish the moment. i can't get my old man to the woods anymore. he is able, just not willing.
Score me a rib-eye! I've never had the chance to try some elk but I've been told by many it beats a cow rib-eye all the way. But if it's anything like deer, don't bother. Deer meat and me don't mix at all.
Hanging with Dad is always a hoot for me. We get each laughing no matter the subject. If we went hunting together we'd probably end up arguing who has to do the killing. As we speak, my Dad is holed in the hospital recovering from double knee replacements so it's not likely he'd be up hiking around in the scrub anytime soon. Besides that we live about 700 miles apart so that makes it not likely as well.
Enjoy yourselves, youngun's. Dad's been gone for over 20 years now. Last time hunting together was when he was teaching me how to shoot a rifle about 50 years ago.
My Pops has been gone for 8 yrs now. I am getting a memorial tattoo today (opening weekend) in his memory. Cherish them while you have them.
yeah - almost 27 here - we hunted a lot though.
hanging out w/ my son
Rotating tires on my truck. He broke free his first lug nut. Smile on my face, tear in my eye. They grow up SO fast.