Your point? Too much? Too little?
A couple of years ago, my dentist was standing between 2 parked cars putting items in his trunk when an elderly driver 2 cars back missed the brake and pushed the car in front of him into my dentist's car. It crushed both his legs just below the knees, one worst than the other. He was in the hospital for weeks (at least) and had a framework screwed into the bones of one leg to make hit heal straight for a long time. This was a slow speed crash but it will take him years to walk normally again, if ever. He was back at work in a wheel chair 6 months after the accident, still in pain, and was still using a walker last time I saw him a year after that.
A more detailed article indicated that the two participants in the lawsuit were playing in the same foursome.
There was a medical bill 0f $19,000.00 and the remainder of the award was for "compensation for disability, future medical bills and loss of comfort and consortium for his wife" (always a kicker).
In addition, the loser is a physician whose license has been suspended since July after "allegations of illicit prescription drug usage".