Has anyone used DriverSupport. It got on my computer somehow and is constantly popping up telling me I have drivers out of date and there are all types of optimizations available. They want $9.99 for the full support. Because how pushy?ÿ
theyare, I've been some what wary
Personally, I would uninstall DriverSupport from the computer. I have never used it, but it has always struck me as malware type of stuff.
If memory serves, DriverSupport is, I believe, a package "offered" (i.e. pushed) to folks who download something else. Adobe Flash is famous for pushing other software when simply trying to download one thing only.
I agree, it is all advertisement popups.
Close them, turn them off if you can and enjoy your puter experience.
The best thing I do to get my puter back in step is to save everything, close all programs and windows and reboot the system.
How do you remove the damn thing?
Should be able to remove via the add/remove programs. That is in the control panel area. Exactly what it is called and how you access it depends on what flavor of windows you have. If you are using a Mac, I have no idea what it's called or how to access the remove program feature.
Failing that try "Malwarebytes" - its great at removing all that junk you dont want/need
Most of the removal routines are scams also.
My virus program sniffed it out and removed it after I had it scan my computer and perform maintenance.