He is one heck of a comedian. Sure, some people think all he does is the "You might be a redneck if....." routine. But, his humor reaches far beyond that. He is a great storyteller who will keep your attention to the very end of his routine.
And, Mr Cow, what do yew no 'bout rednekism?
I do beleive
He got most of his "redneck" humor from attending some of our family reunions.
My father is 83 and doesn't get around as well as he used to. My sisters and I bought him a golf cart to ride around his pond and go to the mailbox (1/2 mile away). My mother called me one day and said, "You might be a redneck if you have a gunrack on your golfcart so you can shoot armadillos". True story.
I do beleive