Reminder to everyone. If you do not have a carbon monoxide detector - GET ONE.
If you have one, test it and replace the batteries. It could save a life.
I have an in-law that can't smell. Yesterday she was coming home with my 5 month old niece and found the carbon monoxide detector sounding off. They have a propane hot water heater and a propane fridge.
My brother was out of town and asked me to check to see if there was a propane leak. He was worried because she couldn't smell.
Long story short, the whole house smelled like propane..not pungent, but distinctly propane.
Turned out to be a dirty burner on the propane fridge.
If they had not installed detectors, they might not have woke up this morning.
Most detectors do not detect straight propane - only carbon monoxide.
So it wasn't such a good idea for me to be going around he house smelling for propane !!
I'll be making sure they get a couple detectors that do detect propane.
Also of interest is the fact that the fridge is only 2 months old. Apparently someone left the window open and some bugs flew in and were attracted to the flame. There were moths on and around the burner.
The exhaust is typically vented directly into the home, which is odd....
I was at my local hardware store getting some new smoke detectors a little while back and was frankly astounded by the variety that is now available.
Some detect CO, some dont.
Some are for hallways and have lights.
Some are for kitchens
Some are for bedrooms
Some yell "FIRE"
Some beep
I get the feeling that these units have minor differences (or maybe none at all) to encourage people to but more.
This particular unit was a combination fire/carbon monoxide detector. It wasn't super loud...I think with a little carbon monoxide poisoning, I could sleep right through the buzzer and the lady repeating "warning carbon monoxide detected". 😀
My house is wired for smoke detectors and when I remodeled they were upgraded to the combo for smoke and carbon monoxide with a battery backup.
The wife set them off using fishoil without the vent fan on and they are like OMG what now loud...
While having the carpets cleaned a couple of weeks ago the CO detector went off because the cleaners van was parked awkwardly and was venting through the open front door! Good thing to know it works.