Has anyone even been through the Wood Badge adult leadership training course? Just finished up with course number S9-96-11-1 last weekend and will give the course "two thumbs up".
Not me Dan but my Dad was a wood badge wearing member. My father could have played the part easily in the movie "Follow me Boys". Kudo's to you for being an active father in scouting.
I did the Wood Badge training before the turn of the century, literally!
The training really helped later as Scoutmaster, an experience I wouldn't trade for anything.
Here's a photo at Summer Camp in 2000 with me on the right and my good friend Steve on the left. We were both carving. He carved a boat that actually floated. I carved all these totems, including the larger one which we planted at the entrance to our camp area. Notice the material used for the totems tie?
Nice picture and I do like the tie...........