Fellow called a few minutes ago about a survey we did last Spring. Turns out he is 50 percent owner of roughly 150 acres that was part of the survey. The seller retained roughly 10 acres with the house and other improvements. He calling me because the hunting app on his phone is showing nine feet less between two fences than what the survey says is the distance from the POC to the POB. Step number one was explaining that the numbers on the plat are based on distances between bars at the true property corners, not fences. Bars, what bars? I don't see any bars anywhere. I laughed. I explained that those two bars are on the true property line which is more or less near the middle of the county road and, therefore, would not be left sticking up out of the road surface. He was hopping mad that he might be getting cheated out of nine feet by about 500 feet of land. He asked what I would charge to come and find just the two bars in the road, which, of course, would not solve his problem. I offered a wonderful price significantly higher than a low four-digit figure. He gave up as the only part of the entire tract that concerned him was worth about $300. I didn't offer to mention where there was a half mile of fence line about 15 feet inside his purchased tract.
Fellow called yesterday to announce he was selling a tract of about 12 acres but had to have a survey to get the description. After lengthy discussion he revealed he had already called another firm and their fixed price represented approximately half of his agreed-to selling price. He thought that was unreasonable based on the low value of the property. I informed him his selling price was about one third the current going rate for such low value property. I assured him the cost offered by the other survey firm was in the same ball park as what I was thinking.
Hunting apps and giving away land. Almost afraid to answer the phone and waste more time.