I have been verbally asked to prepare a proposal/letter/not to exceed document and scope of services/questions for a municipality near me. Does anybody have a good template or an old one that they really like that they would be willing to share with me?
I've done a few, but it's been years and can't seem to find one. I'm pretty much assured to get the work, but they need some documentation for their office and job file.
Thanks for any and all help, and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Joyful ChrismaHannaKwanza to all!! 😛
If you send money, I'll be there to do what I can do. No money, no work.
I have a some that were floating around on the old board. I'll look for them and send them once I find them. I have used a few of them with some changes / modifications.
Thanks Blake,
I'm working on it now, but I'm not sure how particular they are about it. I'd rather have it look neat and tight, rather than something just thrown together.
Chek ur male bro!
I did, and thanks!!
Carl...excellent question!!!
Although some may have already sent you one, ask the municipality what type of format they are use to seeing. If none really is the answer then get some idea's from the folks here and go for it, Else ask for the latest that has landed a job from them to make sure the format will be familiar (sorry for the programming function of the question....:).)
Carl...excellent question!!!
> Although some may have already sent you one, ask the municipality what type of format they are use to seeing. If none really is the answer then get some idea's from the folks here and go for it, Else ask for the latest that has landed a job from them to make sure the format will be familiar (sorry for the programming function of the question....:).)
No problem, Craig.
I'm not going to get that detailed. Like I said, I pretty much have the gig, they just need documentation, and I want it to look as good as possible. I got several different types, but most were along the same lines. So, I'll probably use a cross-pollination of my liking. 🙂
Thanks for the input though!
Carl...excellent question!!!
> ...then get some idea's from the folks here and go for it....
In his book A Pocket Guide to Business for Engineers and Land Surveyors, H. Edmund Bergeron gives a pretty good example on page 202 and 203. This alone is worth the price of the book.
Merry Christmas, all.