and lawyers: double it!
We should start a non-profit to sue those who sued the companies who are trying to help us not get that dreaded Lyme's Disease.
Looks like Ted could have written the 6th comment about the article. Now if he had said he "had been bitten many times by ticks and had not gotten Lyme disease, but have given a few ticks the TEDD Disease" then I would bet it was him for sure. Might still be him writing the comment.
I had the first two shots of Lymerix (the vaccine), but they pulled it before I could get the booster shot a year later. Hopefully I'm immune because we have deer ticks and they are tiny little bastards.
Perhaps Ted would like to try measles, polio or plague and see how his homeopathic remedies help him right through. Huh, before vaccines we had a life expectancy less than after vaccines...