One of my clients requires me to deliver a copy of previous invoices marked "PAID IN FULL". Not a problem, we can do that. I always include such a copy of last month's invoice with the current invoice.
I delivered March's invoice a day or two ago. Just got notified by the accounting office they can't process my invoice until they get a copy of last month's marked "PAID IN FULL".
OK, lemme get you that. I check my deposits to make sure. No deposit. I check know what? I haven't been paid yet.
I call the bean counter back (not my usual contact) and explain that I won't be able to deliver a "PAID" copy of the invoice until they actually pay me.
In the most perfect accounting-voice monotone the reply was, "Very well, we'll hang onto your current invoice until you get that to us."
I wanted to scream "WTF"...but I didn't. I politely asked if there is anything that this person might be able to do so I could learn of the status of my previous invoice.
Her reply, "Not really. There's another person here that handles that."
And we wonder why it cost 4,000 bucks a head to remove scroungy range cattle....sheeesh.
Time for some fermented agave root juice around here. B-)
Now, that's funny!
The kind of funny that makes you cry and drink tequila in the middle of the afternoon.
That's great.
How about you send them a two-month invoice for all the money that isn't paid yet with the last invoice that has been paid marked "Paid in Full"?
Or a current invoice with interest charges. I bet that'll get their attention....
For a time I did the construction contract work.
All paperwork had to be turned in before the 10th of the month to be paid for the previous month on or after the 20th of the next month. Anything that was criticized, missing, in error, not in order, confusing, etc, etc would delay payments by a month.
I changed horses and left all that behind.
Paid in cash, by check or by trade and barter for services at the time of the completion of surveying is wonderful.
Then I had a client to establish a new position for an employee that called himself the Manager of Expenses. He developed the policy that they would not pay any invoices until after 30 days after closing.
I called him up laughed loudly and told him he was fired. He had the gall to ask why. Answer, you don't pay me in a timely manner.
Not long after, nobody would do their surveying.
They did contact me again and were surprised that my rates had doubled. Reason, when make me wait for my money, you pay double.
[sarcasm]The consumption of fine Spirits does wonders to cut thru the red tape[/sarcasm]
> That's great.
> How about you send them a two-month invoice for all the money that isn't paid yet with the last invoice that has been paid marked "Paid in Full"?
Hand deliver that and ask to speak to the head of accounting. Also include a written summary of the "Catch 22" telephone conversation. I also hope your contract has a late payment charge and would include that amount as part of the overdue summary.
I would absolutely talk to the head of their accounting dept. If that wasn't successful, a revised invoice for both months and interest. and if that didn't work a notice of lien.I would immediately stop all work for them.
Years ago I did some work for a small local oil company that had several shallow wells. Never had a problem getting paid. They sold out to a larger company based out of Ft Worth that called to have me stake several wells. I think it was 3 they needed asap and 1-2 more in the next month or so.
I sent them a bill when I got the first three done along with the plats. A month later I still haven't been paid so I called them up. Their policy is that everything is posted on the first of the month. They were paid 30 days later. If something came in on the 2nd, it didn't get paid for 59 days. That's Policy.
I held the last plat until I got paid in full. Afterward their rep called me up about some more wells but said we needed to talk about payment. The conversation went something like this.
Me: "When I send you a bill, I expect payment in 10 days." I would have went more than that but not 59 days.
Them: "But we can't do that, It's not our policy"
Me: "Then don't call me."
Never did work for them again. Never missed it either.
These folks have paid like clockwork for years. I think there has been only one other time there was a hiccup when their server crashed and lost a tremendous amount of transmittals and emails.
I've spoken with the Design Department Head and I'm not that worried about it. These folks are responsible for over 120K of billing a year or more.
I'm not gonna kill a golden-egg-laying-goose just because it pooped on the rug.;-)
I decided many years ago that bean counters are probably from the solar system, but not from any of the inner planets...